Press Release


CARE Bangladesh, P&G to distribute sanitary napkins


CARE Bangladesh, P&G to distribute sanitary napkins

"Women and girls are at the centre of CARE's interventions. COVID-19 is making our lives and livelihood very difficult and challenging," said Dr. Ikhtiar Uddin Khandaker, Director of Health Program, CARE Bangladesh in the distribution ceremony of sanitary napkin which was jointly organized with Procter & Gamble (P&G) on July 6, 2020.

Due to current Covid-19 pandemic, Bangladesh has been facing tremendous health and socio-economic impacts, and the most vulnerable groups -- including urban marginalized women and girls -- are facing difficulties in maintaining regular health and hygiene practices.

In this situation, with the support from Procter & Gamble (P&G), CARE Bangladesh have distributed more than 120,000 packs of sanitary napkins among disadvantaged communities affected by Covid-19. Sanitary items were handed over through a simple ceremony in Mohakhali, Dhaka in the presence of senior officials from CARE Bangladesh and P&G. Major national dailies have covered the news:

Dhaka Tribune:

The Daily Observer:

The Business Standard:

New age:


The Daily Asian Age:

News Hour:

The News Today:


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