
Women's Economic Empowerment

Bangladesh has witnessed steady economic growth over the last decade and is gradually moving towards middle income status. Discourses on economic growth recognizes the need for women\'s participation. However, there is a need to examine whether women in true sense are achieving economic empowerment, and what women belonging to different sections of society expect from this growth. With a view to creating a space for dialogue, CARE Bangladesh organized a Conference titled, \'Women\'s Economic Empowerment – Investing in Emerging Priorities\', on March 16, 2017 at the Spectra Convention Centre, Dhaka. The conference focused on three inter-related pathways for economic empowerment of women- (a) Financial Inclusion; (b) Women and Markets; and (c) Dignified Work. Each theme discussed experiences, insights and learning from innovative models/works of frontline practitioners and supporters of women\'s economic empowerment in the country, including emerging issues and key recommendations. The summary of the proceedings are presented here.

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