No Harrassment is Tolerated

12 May 2014

Sovanna went from a life where she felt constantly at risk of sexual harrassment at work, and on the precarious edge of stability, to feeling safe, educating her peers, and saving to open her own coffee shop.  Find out how it happen
CARE has spent many years working to improve the situation of beer promoters in Cambodia and reduce the harassment many experienced as an unavoidable part of the job. Tackling this isssue from many angles, CARE engages with employers, government, communities and beer promoters themselves in a model that has seen significant results over time. 

Sovanna*, 27, has been working as a beer promoter for six years and has seen significant changes in this time. She started working with CARE three years ago, when CARE’s local partner the Solidarity Association of Beer Promoters in Cambodia (SABC) provided Sovanna with training to be a peer educator. This helped her understand her rights as woman and how to avoid confrontation with customers, as well as providing skills so she can share this information with other beer promoters.

Sovanna received her initial training over three years ago but she is still actively involved with SABC and CARE. In the last year, she has joined training to refresh her knowledge and she continues to attend monthly peer meetings to share her experiences and any issues that arise. She also gathered other beer promoters to join a law awareness session, where she updated her knowledge on laws regarding harassment and learned to be wary of men using new technology, such as showing suggestive videos on smartphones, to harass women. She says many women had not realised this was also a form of harassment.

The confidence Sovanna has gained through her experiences as a peer educator have had a positive impact on her career, as she has been promoted to be a supervisor. This in turn is making her awareness raising more effective. “I supervise around 30 girls who work across 40 different restaurants,” she says. “I give my colleagues daily briefings, which provide an ideal opportunity to share information and remain informed of any incidents which occur.”

She has found that these incidents have dramatically reduced. When she started working six years ago, Sovanna says she was harassed almost every day. Her sister (pictured above with Sovanna), who also worked as a beer promoter, confirms this. However, looking back at the last year Sovanna says she herself has not experienced any harassment and knows of only one example of a colleague being harassed. “A customer had tried to fondle the woman’s breast and touch her inappropriately. The girl reacted with confidence, immediately calling security and contacting the outlet owner, who confronted the customer,” Sovanna recalls.  

Sovanna says that there are a number of reasons why she and her colleagues are not being harassed as they once were. Firstly, she says that the beer promoters she works with have more confidence so customers are listening to what they say. Knowing that they have support from organisations such as SABC and CARE also helps them speak without fear to request that customers respect their rights.

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