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CARE-GSK Community Health Worker Initiative awarded as best performing NGO for excellent contribution in the uptake of family planning services, Sunamganj, Bangladesh

3 November 2020

In Bangladesh, one of the greatest challenges in achieving the SDGs and advancing universal health coverage is the shortage of skilled health providers in remote areas. CARE formed a public-private partnership with the Government of Bangladesh to design and implement a sustainable solution, devel...

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SDC-SHOMOSTI- Rapid Livestock Assessment...

24 May 2020

SDC-SHOMOSHTI carried out a rapid assessment on livestock sector impacted by COVID-19 with the funding support from SDC.

Dhaka Tribune: Read More

SHOUHARDO III Event in Kishoreganj...

21 May 2020

Through USAID funding, CARE extends support to the most vulnerable even in the remote locations of deep haor from northern Bangladesh.  In a simple ceremony, The SHOUHARDO III program started ...

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COVID-19 Cases in the Rohingya Camps...

18 May 2020

It's the moment international aid groups have been dreading for months — the coronavirus has reached the sprawling refugee camps in the Cox's Bazar district of southern Bangladesh, ho...

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PRERONA Provides Hygiene Kits...

5 May 2020

In response to COVID-19, USAID funded PRERONA project, implemented by CARE Bangladesh, is raising awareness of importance of hygiene and hand washing to combat the virus and protect the most vulner...

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CARE Bangladesh’s HALOW+ project support makes EPI...

30 April 2020

EPI (Expended Program on Immunization) is the most successful program of health sector in Bangladesh. Last couple of decades, the program consistently achieving more than 98% of target having signi...

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Prioritized HIV prevention services for key popula...

10 April 2020

PWID project organized awareness sessions in 18 centers (4 Comprehensive Drop-In Centers & 14 Drop-In Centers) covering basic information on COVID-19. Symptoms and ways of prevention were discu...

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