Supporting Bangladesh Rapid Needs Assessment Phase 3 (SUBARNA III)

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  • Supporting Bangladesh Rapid Needs Assessment Phase 3 (SUBARNA III)

Project Synopsis

The geo-morphological settings of Bangladesh make it vulnerable to natural hazards such as monsoon floods, cyclones, landslides, etc., which claim many lives and incur a loss of assets almost every year. The evidence-based decision-making in humanitarian assistance remains critical in reducing the loss and risk of future disasters. Since the first phase of the SUBARNA project, it has been hosting the Needs Assessment Working Group (NAWG), which has been leading the Joint Needs Assessment (JNA). The JNAs are providing supplementary support to the humanitarian community in evidence-based decision-making to complement initiatives undertaken by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB).

Besides the continuation of leading and coordinating the JNA, the third phase of the SUBARNA project will focus on strengthening the joint needs assessment and analysis framework, processes and reporting by enhancing the effective participation of humanitarian stakeholders to save lives and livelihoods as well as increase the resilience of vulnerable communities.

Projects Coverage

This national project works anywhere if there is a disaster to conduct rapid/joint/coordinated needs assessment for evidence-based decision-making.

Achievements and Milestones

21 Coordinated/Joint Needs Assessment (2017-2022)

8 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) based on the assessments.

Combined of all HRPs 3.3 million reached out of 8 million targeted affected population.

Advocacy Efforts and Inclusion of Disaster Damage and Need Assessment Committee (DNA) in Revised Standing Order On Disaster (SOD), 2019

A friend in need

The complementary support has always been well-appreciated by the humanitarian community for providing timely and evidence-based coordinated/joint needs assessment. These assessments promote efficient and comprehensive humanitarian response to disaster-affected communities as well as strengthen community resilience. In addition, through the NAWG capacity of the local organizations in risk/evidence-informed strategic decision-making process, data literacy and the use of digitalized data collection system has increased. Furthermore, in the last 6 years, NAWG created an extensive network of national and local organizations at the field level throughout the country, which is crucial for the smooth operation of any assessment.