Scaling-up Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh (SUFAL II)

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Project Synopsis

Scaling-up Flood Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh” (SUFAL-II) is a consortium implemented by CARE Bangladesh as a lead agency, with partners Concern Worldwide and their local partners Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO), Eco- Social Development Organization (ESDO, Friends In Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB), Peoples Oriented Program Implementation (POPI) and SKS Foundation; technically supported by Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES); and funded by European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO). SUFAL II aims to build the capacity of the institutions and community to implement Forecast-based Action (FbA) to reduce the loss of life, assets, and livelihoods on an anticipated hazard in monsoon flood-prone north-western Char areas, and in flashflood and lightning prone north-eastern Haor areas. SUFAL II focuses on strengthening FbA by developing a community-based approach and looking into existing systems to link with financing for early action. By keeping communities at the center and by being participatory in nature, the project contributes with local government and institutions in taking early action. By strengthening impact-based forecast through tailored, sector-specific, timely and accurate data, SUFAL-II aims to support community and institutions in decision-making to act ahead of monsoon flood, flashflood, and lightning by utilizing suitable finance and resources with available lead time.

Projects Coverage





Ulipur, Chilmari

02 Unions from each upazila


Saghata, Phulchari


Madarganj, Sarishabari


Shariakandi, Sonatala







Achievements and Milestones

15% people taking early action at least 5 days ahead of the monsoon floods

18% reduced their after-flood loan dependency.

EUR226 saved through early action per household

Rina overcame the odds

Rina Begum is married to a farmer and has five children. At the start of the 2020 monsoon season, she lost her household due to riverbank erosion and took refuge with her family in a shelter at Fokirer Char, Begumgonj Union, Ulipur Upazilla in Kurigram. Before they arrived at the shelter, there was no tin roof on the building, and the toilets and water supply were not functional. It was not habitable for the people who had gathered there for shelter. Residents living around the shelter informed the Union administration about the urgent needs and requested assistance for repairs. In coordina­tion with the Union Disaster Management Committee (UDMC), SUFAL project inspected the infrastructure and WASH facilities at the flood shelters in the targeted Unions and confirmed the need for renovations before the anticipated floods.

“In other shelters, more than 10 families live in the same room… but thankfully this year we are in a much better condition, I am sharing the room with another small family. Although we have lost everything, we can at least stay here for now, we have a roof over our head.” 

 – Rina Begum