Rohingya Refugee Response

Cox’s Bazar hosts the largest refugee camp in the world with nearly 884,000 Rohingya refugees and 472,000 affected host community members in need of day-to-day support. CARE has been at the forefront of the humanitarian community by providing integrated humanitarian assistance in ensuring critical and immediate life-saving support to refugees and host communities since the beginning of the crisis, and addressed gender-specific needs since the start of this influx on 25 August 2017.


People with various services in sectors like Protection and prevention of gender-based violence, Site Development and Disaster Risk Reduction (SD & DRR), Site Management Support, Health and WASH and many more across 8 camps.
  • Protection and prevention of gender-based violence

    CARE has been addressing the immediate humanitarian and gender-specific needs of Rohingya refugees in camps 11, 12, 14, 15, & 16 and surrounding host communities. CARE ensures access to safe, confidential, and quality GBV services through Women and Girls' Safe Spaces (WGSS) and outreach teams

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    People reached through GBV sector

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    Program participants women and girls

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    Dignity kits distributed by GBV sector

    CARE has been implementing different components of protection and prevention of gender-based violence in the Rohingya refugee camps. One such component is training local volunteers to be first-responders for psychosocial counselling.

  • Site Development and Disaster Risk Reduction (SD & DRR)

    Major activities of SD & DRR sectors are the construction of drainage, pedestrian pathway, retaining walls, and stairs. Besides this, drainage cleaning, tree plantation, and creating cash for work opportunities are also part of SD & DRR interventions. Care & maintenance of the existing structures, emergency preparedness through capacity building, simulation exercises, early-warning systems, awareness raising, relocations, and other risk mitigation works are also major responsibilities of this sector.

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    Cash for work labor engaged

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    People impacted positively

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    Program participants women

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    Women participated in CfW

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    240 M

    BDT transfered for CfW payment

  • Site Management Support

    Following the onset of the refugee crisis, CARE launched Site Management and Site Development (SMSD) activities in various camps to support Rohingya refugees. Popularly known as Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) globally, it is the first time that CARE has this implemented this highly technical program in one of its missions, that too in one of the most complex and the biggest refugee camps of the world.

    CARE teams are making continuous efforts to improve the quality of life for Rohingya refugees in camps through, among other things, better coordination, service monitoring, reduced disaster risk, strengthened accountability mechanisms, improved accessibility, enhanced infrastructure, and active community mobilization and participation.

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    Lives are impacted positively

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    Feedback and complaint received & referred

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    Disaster Management Unit (DMU) trained

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    of the total reached participants are children

  • Health

    CARE is providing essential primary healthcare services in camps 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, including the surrounding host communities. CARE ensures access to safe and quality healthcare services through health posts and outreach teams. Key services include general patient treatment, maternal health, and family planning; menstrual hygiene counselling; ante-natal and post-natal care; long-acting reversible contraception support (in partnership with the government); and post-abortion care. CARE disseminates health related information, conducts regular meetings, awareness and builds partners' and CARE staff's capacities in different health services provision.

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    People reached through SRH

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    Program participants women

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    Health services provided individuals

  • WASH

    Since 2017, CARE continues to provide life-saving WASH services to the Rohingya community of camps 15 & 16. Major services include water distribution networks, Fecal Sludge Management (FSM), Solid Waste Management (SWM), plastic recycling plants, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) blocks, Women friendly latrines & bathing facilities.

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    Lives are impacted positively

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    Water Distribution Network

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    Functional tubewell

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    Functional latrines

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    women & girls