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2nd LARC camp for Myanmar refugees

11 December 2018

CARE Bangladesh organized 2nd Long Acting Reversible Contraception Method Camp (LARC camp) for the Myanmar refugees on December 11, 2018 at Moynarghona Community Clinic which is a government run facility for the Myanmar nationals. This was jointly organized by CARE and GoB’s Family Planning Depar...

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Myanmar refugees in Bangladesh one year - CARE Int...

20 August 2018

Between 25 August 2017 and now, over 700,000 people from Myanmar have fled to Bangladesh (ISCG Report, July 19, 2018), following an escalation of violence in the Northern Rakhine State from 25 Augu...

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Camp Clean-up Campaign...

19 August 2018

CARE, in partnership with its national partner COAST Trust, is implementing the “Emergency Appeal for people fleeing Myanmar” project in camps 1E and 1W in Kutupalong, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar. The proj...

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Zia Choudhury speaks to MOAS about current situati...

26 June 2018

The weather is worsening and we’re back to learn what new preparations aid groups are making, getting the refugee community ready, shoring them up and keeping them informed. Over the last three mon...

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Q&A: CARE Bangladesh country director on Rohingya ...

8 May 2018

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya in Myanmar fleeing persecution across the border have completely overwhelmed Bangladesh’s ability to respond. International aid organizations in Bangladesh have ne...

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CARE’s monsoon preparedness for Myanmar Refugees i...

18 April 2018

Since August 2017, Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh has become on of the fastest growing and densely populated refugee shelter. Crossing over with mere belongings, the hundreds and thousands of the refuge...

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April distribution of Family Hygiene and Dignity k...

17 April 2018

It’s been over six months since the residents of Rakhine State crossed over to Bangladesh in Cox’s Bazar to escape the communal violence in Myanmar. Amidst the rainy seasons of late-monsoon, the re...

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