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CARE calls for acting early: Forecast based Action in Disaster can save lives and resources effectively

30 January 2019

Bangladesh, January 29, 2019: Forecast based Action (FbA) approach is becoming an increasingly significant future financial response mechanism for disaster management. This approach has potential to reduce losses and suffering of the victims, whilst also saving money during rescue and relief distrib...

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Floating dreams under water...

17 January 2019
Almost 6-8 months every year a larger part of Sunamganj is full of water, life is literally under water. These kinds places are also know as haor. Boats are the only means of transportation in these r...

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CARE participants win Joyeeta Award 2018...

1 January 2019
Joyeeta Onneshone Bangladesh - is a govenrment initiative, which has an impact on society to promote women empowerment. This award is a  platform to encourage women to overcome challenages and obstrac...

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Orientation and Planning Workshop held on NPAN 2 w...

24 December 2018

Bangladesh Government has developed National Nutrition Policy 2015, to ensure nutrition to the citizen, which is supported by the constitution, in article 6.2. The policy emphasizes on the need for...

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2nd LARC camp for Myanmar refugees...

11 December 2018

CARE Bangladesh organized 2nd Long Acting Reversible Contraception Method Camp (LARC camp) for the Myanmar refugees on December 11, 2018 at Moynarghona Community Clinic which is a government run fa...

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CARE signs MoU with Bangladesh National Nutrition ...

8 November 2018

CARE Bangladesh signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bangladesh National Nutrition Council (BNNC) at CARE Bangladesh Dhaka Office on November 6, 2018. The signing ceremony was chaired by...

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LARC camp for Myanmar refugees...

8 November 2018
CARE Bangladesh organized the first Long Acting Reversible Contraception Method Camp (LARC camp) for the Myanmar refugees on November 4, 2018 at Palongkhali Family Welfare Center (FWC) in Ukhiya with ...

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