

CARE Bangladesh’s HALOW+ project support makes EPI session functional at Community


HALOW+ project support makes EPI session

EPI (Expended Program on Immunization) is the most successful program of health sector in Bangladesh. Last couple of decades, the program consistently achieving more than 98% of target having significant impact to reduce under 5 child mortality over the country. But, current COVID 19 pandemic situation falls the performance 20-30% which is alarming for achieving target of SDG goal 3 by 2030.

Under this situation, HALOW+ project’s supports to public health system through providing personal protective gears and other safety materials to the frontline health workers responsible for EPI outreach center along with community group members’ involvement for maintaining social distance and arranging space for making the EPI session functional in urban community at Vhadial, Saver sub-district of Dhaka.

Presently, HALOW+ project supported 615 PPE, 470 eye shields, 20500 pieces disposable face mask, 35000 pieces disposable hand gloves, 2900 bottles hand sanitizer,3600 jr liquid soap, 20000 pieces laundry soap, 3100 bottles hand rub and 275 pieces disinfectant spray machine for health workers and community people.  





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