Care Bangladesh Archive Project

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This is a list of past project implemented by CARE Bangladesh. For more info, please contact

Community based Interventions for Integrated Continuum of Quality of Maternal, New-born and Child Health Care (ICQ-MNCHC) BCO/PCA/2017/007-2018/003

October 1, 2018 - December 31, 2021

The project will improve the maternal and child health status of women by creating an enabling environment to ensure ...

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February 1, 2019 - June 30, 2021

Since 2012, CARE Bangladesh has been implementing an innovative public private partnersh...

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Preventing COVID-19 Garment Health Worker and Supply Chain Crisis [COVID-19 FCDO (VSCF)]

August 1, 2020 - July 31, 2021

“Vulnerable Supply Chain Facility (VSCF)” project, a UK Aid funded initiative which aims to benefit nearly 1 million ...

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Inspiring Married Adolescent Girls to Imagine New Empowered Futures (IMAGINE)

August 1, 2018 - March 31, 2022

IMAGINE stands for Inspiring Married Adolescent Girls To Imagine New Empowered Futures. The goal of this project is t...

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Promoting Worker Well-Being Project

January 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021

Promoting worker well-being project designed to ensure that partnerships with targeted stakeholders include workers’ ...

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Tipping Point Phase III: Innovation and Advocacy in Addressing Underlying Causes of Child Marriage

July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023

The multi-country Tipping Point project addresses child marriage through a dynamic process of innovation, insight, an...

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Work and Opportunities for Women (WOW)

July 29, 2018 - June 30, 2021

Work and Opportunities for Women (WOW) will work to strengthen the HR development and management systems in order to ...

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Action for Supporting the Host Communities: Adaptation and Resilience (ASHAR alo)

August 1, 2019 - July 31, 2022

“Action for Supporting the Host Communities: Adaptation and Resilience” (ASHAR ALO) project funded by USAID has the m...

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Promoting Resilience to Risks of Natural Hazards (PRERONA)

May 2, 2019 - September 2, 2021

Promoting Resilience to Risks of Natural Hazards (PRERONA) will support communities in Cox’s Bazar to anticipate and ...

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Providing Consulting Services on Piloting & Expansion of Flood Preparedness Programme (FPP)

December 30, 2019 - September 30, 2021

“Piloting and Expansion of Flood Preparedness Programme (FPP)” is a unique approach to combine Forecast based Action ...

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Supporting Flood Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh (SUFAL)

August 1, 2019 - June 30, 2021

“Supporting Flood Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh” (SUFAL) is funded by European Union Civil Protect...

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Implementation of Community Approaches To Total Sanitation (CATS)

February 17, 2019 - April 30, 2022

The overall objective of this project is to achieve the desired positive public health impact from zero open defecati...

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Krishi Utsho in Bangladesh

August 1, 2020 - July 31, 2021

Krishi Utsho (KU) Microfranchise has established a network of branded rural agro input supply shops to meet the needs...

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Living Blue

September 30, 2014 - May 31, 2022

Living Blue produces high-quality, hand-made products dyed naturally using Bengal indigo to retail in high-end market...

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SHOUHARDO (Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities) III

September 29, 2015 - September 30, 2022

CARE Bangladesh’s ‘Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities’ (SHOUHARDO) is one of the...

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Agriculture Extension Capacity Building Activity Project

Oct 23, 2012 to Oct 22, 2017

The aim of the project is to strengthen the existing agricultural extension system in 20 districts in South-West and ...

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Bangladesh NGO Health Service Delivery Project (BNHSDP)

Dec 10, 2012 to Sept 30, 2016

This project, which forms part of President Obama's Global Health Initiative (GHI),supports the delivery of essential...

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Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) III

Sep 2015 to Sep 2020

CARE's Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) III is designed to address...

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Journey for Advancement in Transparency, Representation and Accountability (JATRA)

The goal of JATRA is that Union Parishads' public finance management systems are strengthened, transparent and aligne...

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Enhancing Inclusive Disaster Resilience in Bangladesh (DIPECHO VIII)

Mar 2015 to Sep 2016

Funded by DG-ECHO over a period of 18 months, DIPECHO VIII is being implemented in all Unions in Kurigram Sadar, buil...

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OIKKO - United for translating rights into action NOW

Jan 2015 to Dec 2017

The OIKKO project ('unity' in Bengali), contributes to the realization of fundamental rights of workers in the RMG in...

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Dec 2014 to Nov 2016

Female farmers are not recognized in the agriculture sector with their earnings negatively influenced by gender based...

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Improving Maternal and Infant Health in Bangladesh (IM

Dec 2014 to Jun 2017

IMIHB aims to improve the maternal health status of women, primarily who work in 'ready-made garment' factories, and ...

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Implementation of Community Approaches to Total Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (CATS)

Dec, 2014 to Dec, 2015

The project aims to create open defecation free (ODF) communities comprising of 100,000 people; promote hygiene among...

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Building Resilience of Urban Poor (BRUP)

Oct 20, 2014 to Oct 31, 2017

The overall goal of this project is to enhance resilience of targeted urban communities and institutions to prepare f...

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The Bangladesh Joint Needs Assessment (JNA)

Oct 2014 to Sep 2016

The JNA, which was being used as a rapid information tool in the past, has now started again to provide much needed i...

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CARE-GSK Health Initiative for RMG sector

Oct,2014 to Sep,2015

This project aims to establish a sustainable and comprehensive SRH and nutrition program delivery model which can be ...

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Protecting the rights of marginalized and vulnerable women in the sex trade in Bangladesh (SEEMA II)

Sep, 2014 to Feb, 2015

CARE has been working in the Tangail brothel since 1995, and has implemented a number of projects aimed at protecting...

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Emergency response for Flood affected Communities in Northwest Bangladesh II

Sep 2014 to Jan 2015

The project is distributing cash (BDT 1,800 per household), non food items, bathing and laundry soaps and ORS to 7,00...

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Program Partnership Arrangement (PPA)

Jul 2014 to Mar 2016

This project is a strategic funding for research, institutional strengthening and innovation under which CARE Banglad...

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Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E) at Community

Apr 1, 2014 to Mar 31, 2015

The "P.A.C.E. at Community", an innovative project of CARE aims to have positive impact in the lives of marginalized ...

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Global Women Economic Empowerment Initiative (GWEEI) Phase II

Feb 01, 2014 to Jan 31, 2016

The project is a continuation of two years planned interventions of GWEEI-Phase I. The aim of the project is to creat...

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Where The Rain Falls- Community Based Adaptation (WtRF-CBA) project

Jan 01, 2014 to Dec 31, 2015

The overall goal of the project is to improve resilience of targeted vulnerable communities, in five villages in Kuri...

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Information Communication Technology for Reproductive Health (ICT4RH)

Nov 2013 to Apr 2015

To meet the commitment to the UN Secretary - General's Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health and MDG 5, C...

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Sustainable Access to Land Equality (SALE)

Aug 01, 2013 to Dec 12, 2015

CARE Bangladesh in partnership with Uttaran and MJF is implementing SALE project with an overall objective to strengt...

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Tipping Point: Innovation and Advocacy in Addressing Underlying Causes of Child Marriage

Jul 16, 2013 to Apr 30, 2017

This multi-country project aims to learn about strategies to influence change-makers and root causes (drivers) of ear...

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Improving Delivery and Uptake of Essential Nutrition through the Health and Food System and in the Community

Jun 01, 2013 to May 31, 2015

The initiative seeks to improve the delivery, monitoring and uptake of essential nutrition interventions and practice...

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Nutrition at the Center (N@C)

May 2013 to Dec 2017

The project aims to significantly improve nutrition outcomes for mothers and children in resource poor areas by decre...

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Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production of Jute Diversified Products (SWITCH-Asia)

Mar 01, 2013 to Aug 31, 2016

This project plans to assist approximately 60,000 farmers engaged in jute cultivation and 4 million people engaged in...

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Strengthening the Dairy Value Chain, Phase II: Building a Hub Model for Pro-Poor Inclusive Dairy Development in Bangladesh

Jan 01, 2013 to Dec 31, 2015

This project works with 35,000 smallholder farmers in northwest Bangladesh to double their dairy-related incomes. The...

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Expanding Provision of Essential Harm Reduction Services for Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) - GF-906 (Phase II)

Dec 01, 2012 to Nov 30, 2015

The aim of the project is to reduce HIV transmission rates among the most at-risk populations (both male and female) ...

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CARE-GSK CHW Initiative

Dec 01, 2012 to Nov 30, 2015

CARE-GSK CHW Initiative works in the Sunamganj district with the overall goal of improving health outcomes of women a...

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Social Economic Transformation of the Ultra Poor II (SETU II)

Mar 01, 2012 to Dec 31, 2015

ETU II works to sustainably graduate 45,000 extreme poor households out of poverty. SETU II is facilitating a communi...

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Tipping Point Initiative

July 2020 to December 2023

The initiative addresses the root causes of child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM) by engaging girls, boys, parents...

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Accelerating Action to End Child Marriage (AAECM)

January 2022 to December 2023

Empower adolescent girls (both married and unmarried) by providing them with knowledge and skill sets on SRHR, gender...

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Pioneering Community Funding for Addressing Climate Change Loss & Damage

September 2023 – February 2024

CARE Bangladesh will be implementing the Aroha/V20 country group funded project “Pioneering ...

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Enhancing Food Security & Nutrition (EFSN) Project

January 1, 2021 – December 31st, 2023

CARE Bangladesh is implementing Enhancing Food Security and Nutrition (EFSN) project Phase IV supported by the World ...

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Capacity building and technical support to nutrition programs in Rohingya camp and host community and nutrition sensitive IGA and MCB programs in the host community.

1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023

CARE is dedicated to offering technical assistance and capacity building, focusing particularly on the Community-base...

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Social Enterprises And Micro-Franchise From Bangladesh

JITA - A CARE Social Business

This is a newly established social enterprise, previously a CARE Bangladesh project called the Rural Sale Program (RSP) that has developed a highly innovative and commercially viable rural/urban distribution network employing marginalized women and creating a sustainable income generating opportunity. JITA also offers its expertise and advice on 'base of the pyramid' (BoP) markets and servicing hard to reach and underserved communities to the private sector, development organizations and academic institutes.

Krishi Utsho Micro-franchise II

Jan 01, 2013 to Dec 31, 2015

CARE Bangladesh's Krishi Utsho (Agro-source in English) Micro-franchise is an emerging social enterprise initiative that has established

a network of branded rural input supply shops in North-Western Bangladesh to meet the needs of smallholder farmers. Having launched in 2012, Krishi Utsho is experiencing rapid growth and expansion within its micro-franchise business model funded mainly by Finn Brooks Family Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. The model positions CARE to serve as a franchisor supporting micro-franchisees with supply chain facilities, community engagement programs and other business development services.

Living Blue

Established in 2008, NCVI, the producers, workers, and artisans owned social enterprise, is about fair trade where the artisans not only get a fair wage and democratically manage and run their own businesses,

but also have total control over profits. The surplus generated by the social enterprise is contributing to the general well-being of local communities and helps to create sustainable social, cultural and economic life. The brand of NCVI - "Living Blue" stands for high quality, hand-made products dyed naturally using revived Bengal indigo, based on optimum technical recall, meant for high end markets. NCVI is presently funded by Eduardo Castro-Wright.

Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO II)

June 01, 2010 to May 31, 2015

SHOUHARDO II is assisting the poorest, most vulnerable and marginalized

households to reduce chronic and transitory food insecurity through increasing and diversifying income opportunities and strengthening institutional linkages. It incorporates risk reduction and encompasses activities including agriculture, health, nutrition, disaster preparedness, climate change adaptation, governance and women's empowerment. SHOUHARDO II reaches 370,000 vulnerable households in 172 Union Parishads, 30 Upazila and the 11 districts of Rangpur, Kurigram, Nilphamari and Dinajpur in the North Char; Sirajganj, Bogra and Pabna in the Mid Char; Mymensing, Jamalpur and Sunamganj in the Haor and Cox's Bazar in the Coastal region. SHOUHARDO II is funded by USAID, and the Government of Bangladesh.