Stories & Blogs


Firoza : Balancing Family and Business


(Baimail Nadir Par) Firoza, a climate migrant has been living in the Baimail Nadirpar Area for almost 15 years. Before coming to this slum, she used to live with her husband named Sakimuddin at a village under Roumari thana in Kurigram. After her husband had lost his house due to riverbank erosion, they moved to Gazipur and started to live in this community. When she got the livelihood support from BRUP project, she started vegetable selling business. Initially the business was running good. She could make an average profit of 3000 taka. Her extra income brought financial solvency in family. One of her children started to go to school. Previously she was afraid of the educational expenses. Now she can afford her children to go to school. But she couldn’t go every day for selling because she had to look after her children. As a mother, it was also important for her to take care of her little children. As a result, often her vegetables become rotted and she had to face loss. Finally she decided to sell aseptic products. She changed her business and started selling dresses. She purchases dresses at wholesale price goes door to door for selling those at retail price. This time she doesn’t need to go every day for selling. She preserved dresses in her home and go for selling at her convenient time. Thus she could balance her family maintenance and business.

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