

Government of Bangladesh-UNICEF Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS II) Project


Project staff are working in the field while practicing caution and ensuring safety, during the COVID-19 pandemic; services are being provided through either their physical presence (using musk, gloves, etc.) or sometimes communicating through Natural Leaders (NL) over phone. In March 2020, they gave emphasis on the demonstration of hand-washing techniques, shared messages on importance of hand-washing and basic information on COVID-19. They directly demonstrated hand-washing techniques and through NLs to 1,284 people in 177 communities, messaging on hand-washing to 8,238 people in 307 communities, and provided awareness messages to 6,968 people in 292 communities. The project displayed posters in 19 Union Parishad offices and distributed 1,050 leaflets on COVID-19 awareness raising among community people in Satkhira. As a result of these activities, community people are following the hand-washing techniques and staying home unless they have any important work outside. The project plans to continue these activities for the next couple of months in whichever scope possible.

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