

Halow+ Partnership Launch Event


CARE Bangladesh hosting HALOW+ Partnership Launch event on behalf of GlaxoSmithKline, Marks and Spencer and CARE International on December 5, 2017 at Hotel Amari Dhaka.
CARE International, GSK and M&S have been working together since 2015 to address health and social wellbeing issues for RMG workers and their family members through Health Access and Linkage Opportunities for Workers (HALOW) partnership. In response to the learning and recommendations from one year pilot and to build on the shared value and potential of the three partners, it is proposed this partnership continues for another 3 years through the Health Access and Linkage Opportunities for Workers Plus, HALOW+ project.
A S M Mahbubul Alam, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Chief Coordinator of Urban Primary Health Care Project attended the event as the chief guest.
Mohammad Abdus Salam Khan, Deputy Chief (Planning), MoHFW; Dr Sayed Manjurul Haque, Civils Surgeon, Gazipur; K. M. Kabirul Islam, Chief Waste Management Officer, Gazipur City Corporation, Lazu Shamshad Haque, Deputy Director – Family Planning, Gazipur; representative of GlaxoSmithKline, Marks and Spencer from UK and Bangladesh office, Interstoff Apparels Ltd, Interfab Shirt Manufacturing Ltd. were present at the event.
Contribution of Interstoff Apparels Ltd, Interfab Shirt Ltd., Health and Family Planning Department and Gazipur City Corporation, were acknowledged in the event through providing honorary crest to representative of respective organizations.
Noted Berhanu Moreda, Assistant Country Director- Program Support; Dr Jahangir Hossain, Program Director Health, Dr Jahirul Alam Azad, Team Leader -Urban Health from CARE Bangladesh and Shabnam Amini, Head of Fundraising and Partnerships and Kate Barwise, Senior Account Manager- Health of CARE UK also participated in the event.

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