

Refugee Response Update: August 2017 – March 2018


Since 25 August, more than 670,000+ people from Myanmar have crossed into Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh following violence in Myanmar’s northern Rakhine State, making this exodus one of the fastest growing refugee in the world. An estimated 880,000+ refugees are now in Cox’s Bazar, the world’s most densely populated refugee settlement. (25 Feb ISCG Report*)

Most refugee left Myanmar empty-handed; and whatever meagre savings they had are already spent on transportation and arranging shelters that are often no more than bamboo and  plastic sheets. Most people are extremely vulnerable and traumatized and solely dependent on humanitarian assistance. They need shelter, food, clothes, health services, water and sanitation and protection and more.

Care was one of the earliest to hit the ground, offering critical humanitarian support to meet people’s life-savings needs. To begin with, a Rapid Needs Assessment and a Raid Gender Analysis were conducted that formed   the   basis of all interventions across different sectors.

For more details click here

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