Stories & Blogs


Sufia- the change agent in Khutakhali union


Like other women in the village, Sufia, a mother of two children, thinks of herself as an ordinary woman. She got married when she was only 16 years old:  her husband is an immigrant in Malaysia. Her thinking though was little bit different from others, as her long dream was to do something good for her own community people. 

Sufia is a constant participant and contributor to the court-yard meetings facilitated by CARE volunteers. She also participated in the two-day life skills and livelihood training and one day session through the community volunteers, in frames of the project “Achieving Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Host Communities of Cox’s Bazar” (hereinafter, the Project), implemented by CARE Bangladesh, with the technical support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and funded by the Government of Canada. 

Since then, she has taken part in other learning initiatives as well. She has gained knowledge on various aspects of life skills and issues related to Gender-based Violence.  “This is a life changing experience for me.”, – says Sufia. She highlights that the experience and knowledge she gained resulted in a positive change within her family and in the community. 

“I believe I can do something for the community women and girls.  I’m trying to aware community people about the negative impacts of GBV, as well as available free services within our union and support services for GBV survivors by the Project in Khutakhali union health facility”, -states Sufia.   

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