

The role of domestic dairy industry to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)


Bangladesh National Dairy Development Forum (NDDF) organized a Press Conference at Sevel Hill, Banglamotor, Dhaka on “The role of domestic dairy industry to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): Rectification of import duty on powder milk and increase allocation for dairy sector in 2019-20 fiscal year budget. As an active member of National Dairy Development Board, CARE Bangladesh attended the press conference to influence the policy barriers. Along with CARE other INGOs, Milk Processors, Dairy feed and medicine companies, government officials and press and media were present. The following demand has been raised during the press conference:

Increase import duty to 25% on dairy byproducts
Exemption of VAT on locally produced powder milk
Exemption of VAT/TAX on animal feed import
Explore possibilities to impose Anti-dumping TAX in imported powder milk
Announce Chars as milk pocket areas and make loan easy for dairy farmers
Train dairy farmers on improve farm management with government support
Investment in Char areas on milk collection and processing and easy loan system

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