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Fact sheet (June 2020) CARE Bangladesh COVID-19 Response

18 June 2020

“The pandemic COVID-19 has thrown an extraordinary challenge all around us and our work has never been more relevant than now. The resolve of the CARE Bangladesh team, especially those working on the frontlines everyday while risking their own lives, has truly been humbling to watch. Howeve...

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Promoting Resilience to Risks of Natural Hazards (...

10 April 2020

Implemented by CARE Bangladesh, USAID Bangladesh's PRERONA project, has set up hand wash stations to combat the spread of COVID-19 in Union Health and Family Welfare Centres (UHFWC), UNO Office...

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COVID-19 related resources...

10 April 2020

COVID-19 related resources


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Stories of Transformation...

10 March 2020

A compilation of winning stories of CARE Bangladesh story writing contest 2019

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Rohingya Response: Six months of hazards in Cox’s ...

6 August 2019

“Here, we have six seasons,” explained the Shelter Program Manager, Shah Suja, as we raced along the road that connects Cox’s Bazar town to the south-eastern tip of Bangladesh and...

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Women as agents of change...

17 April 2019

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. The increasing rainfall in recent years has disrupted the daily lives of its population, particularly affecting – both me...

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New agricultural practices to cope with increased ...

17 April 2019

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable nations to the impacts of climate change. In Kurigram district, floods are destroying assets, crops and months of hardwork every year. CARE helps farmers ad...

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